Posted on 12/1/2024

How Cooler Weather Affects Brake Fluid and Your Driving Experience As the weather cools in Burbank, those crisp mornings bring more than just an opportunity to wrap up in your favorite scarf or warm up the car before departing. The fluctuating temperatures can subtly impact several systems within your vehicle, including the brakes. Often overlooked but vital, brake fluid is a critical component that ensures an effective response when you press the pedal—even on chilly December mornings. By learning how cooler weather affects brake fluid, you can ensure your vehicle runs smoothly. Let's delve into the science behind it, identify warning signs of potential issues, and discuss steps to maintain peak performance. The Science Behind Brake Fluid and Temperature Changes Brake fluid is a hydraulic liquid engineered to function effectively across various temperatures. Its primary role is to transmit the force exer ... read more
Posted on 11/1/2024

Keep your car battery in top shape to avoid holiday travel hiccups. With the approaching holiday season, we eagerly anticipate merry gatherings and thrilling winter escapades. However, nothing crushes our festive mood quite like a vehicle that fails to start - especially when laden with Christmas gifts or a tight itinerary of events. After all, without your car's battery working effectively as its life-force; it simply won't budge from its parking spot! In this article, we'll delve into why safeguarding your battery's condition is crucial- particularly before embarking on any seasonal road trips. What Causes Battery Drain in Colder Weather? The relationship between winter and car batteries is far from cordial. Frigid weather conditions can significantly impair the starting capabilities ... read more
Posted on 6/12/2024

3 Signs That Your Engine Mounts Need Replacement Motor Mounts! Heard of them? Think of it as suspension for your engine. Just like your wheel suspension, it keeps your engine in place where it needs to be and absorbs any shocks and vibrations. That results in smoother engine performance and ride comfort for the driver and passengers. Pretty much every car you see out driving around on Los Angeles roads today is equipped with engine mounts, however, chances are many of them might be due for servicing. Based on our experience here at FAS in Burbank, motor mounts are an often overlooked maintenance item but they are essential to keep your car's engine running smoothly for many miles to come. Not sure what engine mounts are and if the ones in your car need replacement? Join us as we discuss everything motor mounts and common signs of wear and tear in today's blog! As mentioned earlier, engine mounts keep your car's engine in check. They act as a cushion be ... read more