Fluid Services at Future Auto Service in Burbank, CA



What kind of fluids are inside my car?


Every car that is out on LA's roads today uses a variety of fluids to lubricate and cool moving parts inside your drive train. From engine to transmission oil to coolant and windshield wiper fluid, here at Future Auto Service we offer various kinds of fluid services to ensure your ride is running perfectly.


Are fluid services important?


Yes, fluid services are crucial to ensure your car is running healthy for many miles to come. Neglecting your car's needs for fluid services can lead to reliability issues and even catastrophic engine failure. However, some fluids are more important than others. On a car with an internal combustion engine, for example, engine oil changes following the manufacturer's service intervals are vital to your car's engine running smooth. On the other hand, topping off the windshield wiper fluid is not always an urgent matter, especially out here Burbank'sdry desert heat. Here is a list of fluid services that you should prioritize from top to bottom:


1.Engine Oil


3.Brake fluid

4.Transmission fluid

5.Differential fluid

6.Powersteering fluid

6.Windshield wiper fluid


Not every car is the same


Depending on the make and model of your car, fluids might vary. Make sure to always check your car's manual to see which services and specific fluids are required in certain intervals to keep your vehicle in top shape.

It is also important to note that some cars have more fluids than others depending on their fuel system. Electric vehicles tend to have lower fluid service needs than diesel or gasoline cars.


What are signs that my car needs fluid service?


In today's cars, there are many sensors and warning indicators in place to let you know when fluid services might be required. A "Check Engine Oil Level" or "Coolant Level Low" warning sign on your dash can be a good indicator that you might need a fluid service. Here, preventative maintenance goes a long way to avoid future car problems or getting stranded on the side of the road. Especially if you have an older car (15 years or older) it makes sense to check your fluid levels once every month and top off the engine oil, or coolant if necessary. Other symptoms for fluid services include:


  • leaks on the floor after parking
  • smell of burning oil or white smoke out of the exhaust
  • visible stains of fluids inside the engine bay


If you aren't sure about the fluid services that are recommended for your car, call us today for a free consultation or set up a safety inspection with one of our ASE-certified specialists here.