Posted on 2/27/2023

You've probably heard of anti-lock braking systems (ABS), but do you know what they do? ABS is a safety system that has been installed in all cars since 1980. When you brake hard, the mechanism prevents the wheels from locking up and skidding, which could lead to an accident. This has even become a mandatory requirement for vehicles since 2004. You've probably wondered if there are repairs or maintenance for the system and why they are important because of their constant use. If you want the answer to those questions, you are in the right place, so continue reading. What Are ABS Repairs And Maintenance Procedures? Mechanics perform ABS procedures by inspecting the system to find the best course of action for the problem at hand. Due to the complex nature of the system, it's prone to wear and tear. The controller, pumps, brake assembly, and many more are used in the process and are under pressure from constant use. After replacing any broken or malfunctioning parts ... read more