Yearly Archives: 2024

What Is ADAS Calibration? Is It Important?

What Is ADAS Calibration? Is It Important?

In today's automotive landscape, technology plays a crucial role in enhancing vehicle safety and driver assistance. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have revolutionized the way we drive, offering features like lane departure warning, adaptive cruise control, and automatic emergency braking. But to ensure these systems function optimally, proper calibration is essential.   What is ADAS? ADAS, or Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, encompasses a range of technologies designed to assist drivers in various aspects of vehicle operation. These systems rely on sensors, cameras, radar, and other advanced technologies to monitor the vehicle's surroundings and provide alerts or interventions when necessary. Usually, an ADAS is comprised of the following components: Sensors Cameras Radar systems Lidar systems Ultrasonic sensors ... read more

The Battery and Starter - Connection and Function

The Battery and Starter - Connection and Function

The intricate relationship between these two parts, the battery and starter is quite interesting. Today, we will be unraveling their unique functions and the key to their maintenance. Gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the essential elements that power your reliable vehicle.   The Synergy of Battery and Starter The interplay between the battery and the starter is fundamental to your car's operation. Imagine your vehicle resting silently in a parking space. Here, the battery steps in as the primary energy source, setting the stage for the starter to spring the engine into action. This connection isn't just functional; it's a dynamic electrical partnership. The relationship between the battery and the starter is a perfect example of automotive symbiosis. The battery acts as a powerhouse, storing electrical energy, while the starter, functioning a ... read more

Using Your 2024 Tax Refund For Car Service!

Using Your 2024 Tax Refund For Car Service!

  Car Service with Your 2024 Tax Refund!    It's that season of the year again. Everyone is getting ready to file their taxes and refunds are expected to hit bank accounts as early as mid-February! But before you get too excited thinking about all the fancy things that you could spend your tax refund on, take a look at the car that is sitting in your driveway. When was the last time it has been serviced? Using your tax refund to repair or maintain your car is a responsible way to allocate those funds and our team at Future Auto Service is here to help. Find some food for thought in today's blog post about the best practices for spending your tax refund on car maintenance.     Assess Your Car's Needs: Determine what kind of service or maintenance your car requires. That could include routine maintenance tasks like oil change, brake pad replacement, fluid checks, or more significant repairs. Have you b ... read more