Posted on 10/25/2021
A cabin air filter plays an integral role in eliminating the contaminants and pollutants present in the air of your car. The filter helps to keep the air fresh and safe for you and your passengers to breathe in. Most people forget about the air filter altogether because it is hard to locate. Most of the time, you can find it behind the glove box. Here's why you should keep track of your cabin air filter replacements: Reduce Pollution in The Cabin The car's cabin air filter eliminates the smoke, gases, and other pollutants you may smell when driving alongside other vehicles. Regularly swapping out these filters ensures that no unwanted toxins make it inside your cabin. Allergens Pollen may be more of a problem in the spring, but it can be very harmful to some individuals. If you have severe allergies, cabin air filters can significantly decrease the amount of pollen that may have made its way inside your car. Debris If you take out your dirty air filter, it may be co ... read more